Company Secretarial Services

According to the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, limited liability companies registered in Hong Kong are required to appoint a company secretary to fulfill their statutory responsibilities. The company secretary’s duties include reporting changes related to the company’s structure, shareholders, and directors to the Companies Registry. Additionally, they are responsible for preparing board meeting agendas, organizing annual general meetings, and providing professional advice and recommendations on relevant statutory regulations. Our Hong Kong company secretarial services aim to reduce the challenges and uncertainties clients face when dealing with these regulations, while also assessing whether the company’s strategies comply with relevant laws. Furthermore, we keep our clients informed about the latest company legislation and analyze its impact on their businesses.

We offer comprehensive secretary arrangement at reasonable prices. For esteemed corporate clients, we provide customized company secretary service plans, including handling business data changes. Our company secretarial arrangement is led by experienced partners with professional qualifications, ensuring that clients no longer need to worry about compliance matters related to company secretaries.

Company Secretary Arrangement Service Price Reference List